Explore Vanuatu
Residency in Vanuatu is possible through the country’s various visa options and permit programs. Vanuatu, located in the South Pacific, offers several types of residencies permits to cater to different needs.

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1. Vanuatu offers tourist visas for individuals who wish to visit the country for leisure or tourism. These visas are typically granted for a specific duration, which can vary depending on your nationality.
2. Vanuatu offers an investor visa programme for individuals who wish to invest in the country. Depending on the amount of the investment, this program can lead to a residency permit.
3. Vanuatu offers a specific retirement visa for individuals who meet the age and financial requirements. To qualify, you usually need to be at least 50 years old and demonstrate a minimum annual income or savings.
4. If you have secured employment in Vanuatu, you can apply for an employment visa. Typically, your employer in Vanuatu will assist with the application process.
5. Spouses and dependents of Vanuatu citizens or residents can apply for spousal and dependent visas to join their family members in the country.
6. After residing in Vanuatu on a long-term basis, often under a specific visa or permit, you may be eligible for permanent residency status.